We teamed up with an 18D from Forward Observations Group, who originally designed a prototype IFAK for fellow SOF in Syria. This combination of essentials from North American Rescue are what they ran with and fit seamlessly into the Ferro x FOG Roll 1.
1x Chest Seal Dressing – Hyfin Compact (Vented) Twin Pack
1x Nasopharyngeal Airway Kit w/Lube – 28F
2x Needle Decompression Kit (ARS) – 10Ga
1x S-Rolled Gauze – 4.5” x 4.1yd
1x Elastic Wrap Bandage
1x Combat Gauze Hemostatic Bandage – Z-Fold
1x Combat Casualty Card
Fits seamlessly in the Ferro x FOG Roll 1
Also fits well in The Dangler® & The Mini Dangler®